And out of the next 8 days, I have the potential of spending four of them in the hospital. (Not so excited about hospitals!)
And this is what I am spending my valuable time on?
But here is the thing. I saw the most adorable arrangements using the exact same pieces in the huge pots downtown the other day and wanted one for my very own. Needless to say, mine is the ugly step-sister to the big professional ones. But I am still hoping to figure it out. Maybe more greenery.
Anyways, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
Miss Marie, a couple sweet birdies shared that you are gracing some nurses and doctors with your sweet self this week. Please know I am thinking of you and praying for you (and them) this week. Hugs to you!
Is that a work in progress on the front porch.....? lol.
I should talk, I am only crafty in my mind!
Get well soon!
Hi there - saying a little prayer for you today! (Kellie sent me!)
Hi there! Kellie sent me over. I'm sorry you're facing some unplanned things...but I'm saying a prayer for you right now.
Hey Marie,
So glad to have the chance to give you a holla from Seattle. Blessings to you as you go thru the mucky stuff. I've been praying as Kellie brings you to mind.
Kellie asked us to pray for you while you are in the hospital, so pray I will!
Hey Marie! Kellie sent me over to give you a smile or two.
A joke from my 5 year-old: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Because he was hungry.
No, it doesn't make sense to me, either. But I thought it might make you smile!
Thinking about you today...
Kellie sent me over :-) I will be praying for you! I know that being in the hospital can be tough! I have had several surgeries and man its not a whole lot of fun! Get better soon!
I am praying for you. Simple as that. You take care and leave your worries in God's hands.
Prayers from Arizona! My daughter is Kellie and when she says pray -we do! I trust you have peace and feel better. If you want to hear a funny story -look up Kellie's poem about my "trip" to Bora Bora.
Kellie's Mom
Praying for you tonight! May God give you comfort, peace and rest during your stay and throughout this Christmas season!!
Joining the others trooping over from Kellie's to tell you I'm praying for you: success in whatever procedure you have & peace in your heart & mind.
Another one of Kellie's people....hang in there, and prayers are going up for you!!
I'm one of Kellie's peeps too. Praying for you and that your hospital stay will be short and sweet (I don't know about sweet, but maybe short).
Another Kelliepeep. Prayers for your health AND your party!
Coming from Kellie's! I am praying you have a speedy recovery! Blessings to you.
Praying for you in Southern California- may the God of Hope hold you in His victorious right Hand.
(Kellie sent me- and I'm glad you be able to oblige)
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