Wednesday, May 27, 2009

From Mother to Daughter...Makeup

* Less really is best! Your natural beauty is meant to be highlighted, not masked.

* Moisturize and sunscreen! You may not care now, but you will in 25 years.

* Professionals are the best teachers on how to apply makeup! Take your friend's advice with a grain of salt.

* Focus on outward beauty and you will never truly be satisfied! Proverbs 31:30..."Charm is deceptive and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

She has always loved makeup but this last year marked the first time I let her wear any out in public. 7th grade seems to be the "year of makeup" and so I figured some sheer taupe eyeshadow and some sheer lip gloss would add just the perfect touch to her natural beauty. But now she is 13 and going in to 8th grade next Fall. We are going to have to make some additions to her makeup bag. The timing is perfect for this conversation. And she will have all summer to practice.

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